
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Graphics Settings

2022年7月8日 — Xenoblade Chronicles 2 PC Remastered Graphics Mod with Yuzu and Ryujinx emulator - Improved anti-aliasing - Reduced sharpening

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Graphics Settings

2022年8月6日 — Is there any pro tip setting I can tweak within Yuzu ? Settings i'm running: - Yuzu emulator Early Access 2890 - Handheld - Rendering API: ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 1080p1440p resolution patch ...

Unfortunately 2160p seems to be causing a game crash in some memory related function, maybe not enough system memory for game to create everything at 2160p or ...

is xenoblade chronicles 2 playable on yuzu?

2022年8月2日 — It's playable but there are quite a few bugs. Sky flashing in specific areas, softlocking in the menu so be sure to save often, and lighting ...

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

2023年7月14日 — I found the reason for my problem. Nvidia experience overlay was the problem. I used it for showing the fps of my games, because normally its ...


2022年7月8日—XenobladeChronicles2PCRemasteredGraphicsModwithYuzuandRyujinxemulator-Improvedanti-aliasing-Reducedsharpening,2022年8月6日—IsthereanyprotipsettingIcantweakwithinYuzu?Settingsi'mrunning:-YuzuemulatorEarlyAccess2890-Handheld-RenderingAPI: ...,Unfortunately2160pseemstobecausingagamecrashinsomememoryrelatedfunction,maybenotenoughsystemmemoryforgametocreateeverythingat2160por ...,2022...
